You Can Be Woo but Still Say No to Marianne Williamson

Image by Enrique Meseguer, Pixabay . I left hellfire and brimstone Christianity at age 13. I should say that I was still in a household run by a believer, but thankfully wasn't forced to go back to church when I said I didn't believe and actually felt sick to my stomach with the thought of going back. My path to Paganism started with reading Edgar Cayce, aka The Sleeping Prophet , in my teens. He was a devout Christian but was a conundrum to those of his faith who eschewed any kind of psychic phenomena or belief in reincarnation. This laid down the road for me to enter the '90s in my full New-Age girl glory. I loved this new path and experienced deep healing of childhood abuse and learned about Wicca and other Pagan paths. I became an energy healer and massage therapist for a decade, but I also saw some of the same hypocrisy in that community that Christians were accused of and often found myself in disagreement with some of the principles. As a childhood physical an...