
I'm getting organized! This page is a listing of healing or some might say woo-related posts, mainly energy work and crystals.* The list will be growing as I work on cleaning the site up. Please be patient. Also, to reiterate the intent with any of these types of posts, please remember this statement from my about page:  I was also a massage therapist and energy worker (Reiki and polarity therapy) for over 10 years. There may be posts on alternative healing methods not to be used as a replacement for sound medical advice (being woo doesn't mean you have to be anti-modern medicine, anti-vax, anti-pharma or anti-science).



*Concerns regarding how we come by crystals have been around for a long time. I bought haphazardly in the '90s not really questioning where they were from. I also received some as gifts and bought some from real rockhounds. I've put off buying anything new for now, but I still share some of my older articles on the topic for those interested.  Of interest: Dark crystals: The brutal reality behind a booming wellness craze. Also, you might consider doing online searches for ethically-sourced crystals before you buy or if you live near a rock shop, talk to the folks who work there.


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