
Showing posts from December, 2022

Happy Winter Solstice

A Winter Solstice sunrise. Image by gdizergega/Pixabay . I hope Heathen folks had a good First Yule/Mother's Night yesterday if you celebrate (or whenever you do). For Pagan and Heathen folks, Happy Winter Solstice to those in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer Solstice to those in the Southern Hemisphere. May the season bring you love, joy, and prosperity. © Trish Deneen  

For Nightcat - In Memoriam

Nightcat was a Lokean at heart, hence the fox. May she be at peace. Credit: Graphic made by me in Canva. I'm still shocked at the news that a favorite  YouTuber  died suddenly on Saturday. I've enjoyed her polytheist content for a couple of years and became a member. There have been times when her channel was my spiritual home. She was unabashedly real about her beliefs and her struggles with mental illness, both of which I could relate to. But she also included fun gaming content and held a safe space for Lokeans, godspouses, and LGBTQ+ Pagans.  She was so welcoming to everyone who was kind and respectful. I know that those who knew her personally are suffering more, but the closest word I have to describe what I'm feeling is grief. I know I'm not the only one if the comments on her channel and Discord are anything to go by. Rest in peace, Sweet Nightcat. You're in the arms of your beloved holy ones and ancestors now. Thank you for your honesty, food for thought, l