
"We gaze at the same stars, the sky covers us all, the same universe encompasses us. What does it matter what practical system we adopt in our search for the truth? Not by one avenue only can we arrive at so tremendous a secret." ~ Symmachus 384 c.e.
This is the spiritual blogging home of web content writer P.J. Deneen. I've been writing about religious, spiritual, and occult topics, mainly Paganism, on the web since 2007 or so. I got my start as the Pagan Editor at BellaOnline where I posted brief, introductory articles on different aspects of Pagan religion and spirituality. This blog has become the repository for many of my older articles and doesn't represent my current practice.  It may occasionally be updated with current thoughts.  

I'm an American who grew up an auto factory family kid in the Detroit suburbs in the 1970s through the '90s. I've been a pagan for nearly 30 years, but I was raised a Christian of the evangelical variety and denounced my family's hellfire and brimstone Christianity at age 13 in the 80s. I read voraciously in my teens after that on occult and paranormal topics.  At around age 20, I began to travel a new-age and Goddess-centered path for several years and then identified as a pagan for about 15 years. I had a short relapse, stopped pagan practice, and considered progressive Christianity but parted on good terms with that path knowing it wasn't for me.  I consider myself an inclusive polytheist. I've practiced with groups of various backgrounds and am mainly solitary now.

I was also a massage therapist and energy worker (Reiki and polarity therapy) for over 10 years. There may be posts on alternative healing methods not to be used as a replacement for sound medical advice--being woo doesn't mean you have to be anti-modern medicine, anti-vax, anti-pharma, or anti-science.

All opinions are my own. I don't claim to be a teacher or guru, and I strongly suggest you do your due diligence in researching those who claim to be, either in word and/or deed.  

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There are affiliate links posted throughout the site. If you're feeling generous while you're shopping, please consider clicking those links as I receive a small percentage of the sale which helps encourage me in pursuing other writing projects and/or updating current blogs.

Sadly, most of the Pagan, witchcraft, and spirituality articles I've written over the years have been stolen and posted by others elsewhere online without credit.  Everything posted in this blog is my original content unless otherwise noted. I have never belonged to a political party and never will. I have never endorsed for my work to be published on any site that espouses misogyny, racism, or anti-LGBTQ sentiment.

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