Pagan Preppers and Homesteaders Short Link Roundup
Nasturtium, peppermint, and chamomile from my garden last year. I've considered myself technically a prepper for over a decade, though admittedly on the smaller scale side of things. I also considered myself conservative for about 15 years before my former party nominated an orange mad man, but was slowly coming into the prepping mindset during the Bush 2 era. I've just never fit into a box politically. I think there've always been Pagan preppers from different political backgrounds. It's just that liberals don't tend to do the chest-pounding and flag-waving that fits the prepping stereotype, so you may not hear about it so much. I've always thought there should be a marriage between elements of the more right-wing pro-gun and the left-wing herbal healing aspects of prepping culture. Both sides are interested in homesteading. I don't think I'm the only one who believes this, so prepping has become more quietly mainstream even with people who thou