Sigdrifa's Prayer - Winter Theme

Winter sunrise is the theme of my
 Sigdrifa prayer video.
Credit: Wolfgang Dietz/Pixabay

I created a new video for contemplation and/or meditation using a version of Sigdrifa's prayer from the Poetic Edda.  My goal is to create four videos, one for each season with a different version of the prayer.  I hope you enjoy it.  My channel is not monetized at this time, which I believe fulfills the requirement Wyrd Designs, the author of this version of the prayer, states on their Patheos post here. Please also check out their blog post offering free bookmarks with the prayer for U.S. veterans and active military members here.

Also, please bear with my audio skills as I'm still learning how to smoosh all the elements together in the different editing software I use.


Trish Deneen


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