Excellent Post and Video on Heathen Shame Culture at Hearthside

 Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Just a quick note to share this excellent video by Canadian Heathen blogger Michelle Wyn aka Hearthside on YouTube. Firstly, she's taking on the task of making her blog posts more accessible by creating videos for them. Secondly, in this video, she discusses what she calls shame culture in Heathenry, especially in online spaces. She says:

"In our fast-paced modern world it is becoming more and more easy to publicly shame someone in a moment of anger, but unlike the shaming of Heathen culture historically, this sort of shaming can have a permanent effect on someone’s life with no room for recovery...Beyond this, public shaming on the internet does not cause people to change their behaviours. It may even have the inverse effect."

I would expand this to all of internet Paganism and Occultism. I find it ironic how quickly the metaphorical pitchforks are reached for by people historically concerned with being persecuted by pitchfork wielders. Her original blog post is located here.  

© Trish Deneen  


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