Looking for the Lost Gods of England by Kathleen Herbert

I recently did a quick review for a short but info-packed book at Goodreads.

Looking for the Lost Gods of EnglandLooking for the Lost Gods of England by Kathleen Herbert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An excellent little book that is actually a transcript of a lecture given by the author. Small but packed full of info on the given topic of Anglo-Saxon pagan belief and practices that can be gleaned from the sources she cited. Her speculations are an interesting starting point for those looking into the topic, and the long list of footnotes provides grist for further research.

The author was also a novelist.  After attending a lecture given by J.R.R. Tolkein, she was inspired to delve deep into Old English lore for her writing. A short bio can be found at Lesser-Known Writers.

View all my reviews 

 © Trish Deneen 


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