Quote of the day because I'm dog tired

Scan of a hand-colored lithograph of the Statue of Liberty by Currier and Ives titled 	 The Great Bartholdi Statue – Liberty Enlightening the World
I still believe we can live up to our American ideals.
Photo credit: Currier and Ives, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

I often sit down to attempt to write a centrist or independent pagan manifesto because of the extremes that exist within paganism politically (I won't call it a community). I just don't have the spoons to write one long post citing every point of contention right now. I left the Democratic Party during the Clinton hypocrisy and was essentially told to get lost by my former party of more than 15 years in what I call the infamous 2015 escalator incident. If I write such a screed, it'll most likely be broken down into short bulleted posts. In the meantime, Conservative New Ager states how he feels bluntly in this post:

"I may have no deep abiding love for the Democrats, but right now, the opposition is a bunch of Nazis, so I have to throw in with the liberal idiots until the opposition can stop being evil."

Harsh, but I can't say I disagree. It feels like eons ago I wrote about being a conservative pagan on different sites that are now defunct or inactive. I knew where Trump would lead us even more so than some other Never Trumpers, all of us deemed human scum by the former president. But I'm going off on a tangent, and my disappointment regarding Trumpism taking over the Republican Party should be saved for a fleshed-out post.

I'm a nobody on the internet and not a BNP (Big Name Pagan), so I don't expect to be some sort of influencer. This post is no more than a place marker for future writings and to show other pagans and polytheists who fall in the middle of the political and cultural spectrum that they're not alone.   

© Trish Deneen 


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