Sugilite - Crystal for Empaths and Universal Love

Sugilite. Photo credit: Rob Lavinsky, </a> – CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons Physical Properties Sugilite is a dense, beautiful stone that ranges in color from pink to purple. The translucent form is called gel sugilite. It's also known by the trade name of lavulite or luvulite to indicate its lavender color. Sugilite of the most intense purple is mainly found in South Africa. Empaths and Sensitives Sugilite is an excellent stone for those who consider themselves empathic or just simply sensitive souls who have a hard time coping with this reality. Sometimes these people become overloaded by the energy impressions of environments and people and have a hard time shielding themselves. Wearing, carrying or meditating with sugilite may help them become better able to cope with this. This stone helps ground the purple ray by connecting the third-eye chakra with the base chakra. Thus, it helps these sensitives feel more at home in this world and acce...