Good Yule Day #3: Praise for Odin

Credit: Annie Klingensmith, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Good Yule to you and yours. I hope the season finds you as well as you can be in 2020. This is the night I make offerings of praise, a candle, and liquor to Odin. I thank him for the gift of the runes after sacrificing himself to himself. I thank him for the wisdom to know when to commit to action and take it and when it is time to sit back and observe. 

"Don't hold on to the mead-horn,
but drink your fair share.
Say something useful or stay quiet.
And no one else will judge you poorly
if you go to sleep early."
~ from the Wanderer's Havamal, Dr. Jackson Crawford translation

Hail Odin!

© Trish Deneen


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