Good Yule Day #6: For Frey and Freya

Northern Gods Descending. 
W. G. Collingwood, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

On this day, I'm honoring the Vanic deities, Frey and Freya. These siblings became honorary members of the Aesir after the end of the Aesir-Vanir War. Freya is associated with love, sexuality, beauty, prosperity, and choosing the war slain. Cara Freyasdaughter has a handy 101 handout on the Goddess called "Freyasbok" over at her blog, Silver and Gold, along with a list of other resources.

Like his sister, Frey is associated with wealth as well as fertility, peace, health, and a bountiful harvest. As you can imagine, these two were incredibly popular throughout heathen lands.

A heathen devotional by author
Hester Butler-Ehle

I will often turn to one of my devotionals to begin my prayers and finish with my own personal devotions. Today, I will make offerings of praise, food, drink, and prayers of my own and from Hearth and Field as pictured above. I find the author's poetry inspirational. You can find it online at her blog of the same name.

I hope your Yuletide is a happy time for you. Hail the Gods and Goddesses! Hail Frey and Freya!

© Trish Deneen


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