First of Sunwait

First of Sunwait, a meditation on Fehu with a surprise appearance by Ansuz. Sunwait is a newish tradition some Heathens are following that welcomes the season of Yule. It begins six weeks prior to Yule and focuses on meditations of the first six letters of the Futhark, one per week. Thursdays have been a popular day to do this, with that day being holy to many of us. I've chosen Sunday because that's my most relaxed day, and I can focus more fully on the rune during the day and evening. It's so new though that nothing is set in stone. From my understanding, this originates from this FB user (though don't quote me on that): Vantjusstaken . You can find more info at Huginn's Heathen Hof . Its roots are I believe from the advent tradition (again, don't quote me). I grew up Protestant, so I didn't have this tradition, but my evangelical grandmother had another one. We would make a chain of construction paper loops for every day in December up until Christ...